The hollow in the hips is clearly an abomination for a lot of women who want to find the possible ways to get rid of it. But can you get rid of hip dips? Dr. Matt Stefanelli, plastic surgeon, gives us an explanation of the different methods for the correction of hip dips.
Q1. What are hip dips?
The "hip dip" phenomenon is a natural anatomical depression situated on the side of the buttocks, just above a bony relief of the femur, easily palpable: the greater trochanter.
This hollow can be found quite frequently in men and it is even one of the differentiating features of their anatomy. On the other hand, it can also be found in women, especially in those who regularly practice a sport, as the muscles of the thighs and buttocks that surround it are overdeveloped.
"It's all about the waist-to-hip ratio which is ideally 0.65 if you want a very feminine body," explains Dr. Matt Stefanelli. This ratio is also applicable to patients interested in men-to-female reattribution surgery (MTF).
The main purpose of filling the hip dips is to create a more harmonized silhouette. We have three contours on each side of the body: The love handles, which are the accumulation of fat on both sides of the waist, the hip dips, and lastly the saddlebags which is a name used to refer to the fat that tends to accumulate on the outer thighs, below the bottom.
A more proportionate and harmonized figure would involve these three curves to become just one, which would start at the waist and continue to the thighs. This gives the illusion of longer legs, explained the plastic surgeon.
Needless to say that not every person desires to achieve this hourglass figure, some prefer the supermodel shape characterized by flat hips that reinforce the thin side of the body, whereas athletes women are advocates for more of a masculine esthetic focused on the athletic aspect of their body.
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Q2. Analyzing Hip Dips Correctly
"The hips dips are of interest to women between 20 and 45 years of age who are looking for an improvement in their figure from the front. Now, if a patient comes to see me and starts to look at herself from the side, saying: 'Doctor, I would like a little more volume there ...', then it is an improvement in the volume of her buttocks that she is looking for," says the doctor.
The two requests - hip dip correction and buttocks projection are different aesthetic procedures although they can be complementary.
Q3. How are Hip Dips filled?
The two most common solutions for treating hip dips are to use the patient's fat or to use a non-surgical hip dip filler, which refers to hyaluronic acid body fillers (for example, Hyacorp, the pioneering and leading product on the market).
Only one surgeon in the world uses implants that are made to measure the proportions of each patient's hip dips. But it's not a dream solution because it leaves a 6 cm scar on the hips and what’s more, the contours of the implants can be seen.
Q4. Filling the hip dips with fat
The surgeon performs liposuction of the love handles, the saddlebags, and often the entire "belt" (this is called "360 liposuctions"). The fat is then re-injected into the hollow of the hips. This operation is performed in the operating room under local or general anesthesia depending on the case. The after-effects: bruising for 15 days, edema and a sensitive area for 1 month, and a nice final result after 3 months.
Price of hip filling with fat: between 8,000 and 15,000 € (in Paris), depending on the extent of the liposuction and the possible associated lipofilling of the buttocks.
Suggested Readings: Get Flawless Hips: The Ultimate Guide to Hip Dips Filler
Q5. Hip dips filling with hyaluronic acid

Patients who have a good morphological base such as a nice volume of buttocks, without the love handles or too pronounced saddlebags, as well as moderate hip dips, are excellent candidates for such procedure.
In this case, the doctor injects between 5 and 10 syringes of 10 cc per side, depending on the extent of the correction required. Each specialist uses a different injection technique.
"Mine is the "double layer" technique. I inject the product into both the deep fat and the superficial fat, which allows better tissue integration," explains Dr. Matt Stefanelli.
The patient lies on her side and the specialist performs a local anesthetic then the product is injected via 2 entry points (one located at the love handle, the other at the buttocks) for even distribution.
"Let's say I have to use ten syringes. In this case, I start by injecting the equivalent of 8 syringes. Then I ask my patient to stand up, then I refine the result with the two remaining syringes to remove all the small irregularities," continues the doctor.
One of the many advantages of hyaluronic acid body fillers for hip dips is that the patient leaves the clinic without any bandages or restraints.
The injected area is sensitive to the touch and swollen for a fortnight and it is highly recommended to avoid any activity or exercise to promote the tissue integration of the product.
Oftentimes, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics for 10 days approximately to avoid any risk of infection. Besides, a follow-up visit is scheduled after one month.
Sometimes, in some patients, the fatty tissue has difficulty expanding after an injection, so in these situations, additional treatment is required.
The duration of the product will vary depending on the patient's metabolism, injection technique, the area of the body and the type and amount of filler applied. In general, HYAcorp body fillers might last up to 24 months.
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