June 29, 2023

6 Marketing Tips Every Aesthetic Clinic Should Follow

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6 Marketing Tips Every Aesthetic Clinic Should Follow

We live in an era where mouth-to-mouth is no longer the only way to attract new customers. 

According to a 2021 survey, it was found that almost 66% of the participants, comprising millennials and Gen Z, acknowledged making online purchases as a result of being influenced by branded social media content or recommendations from social media influencers.

These platforms, such as Instagram or Tik Tok where consistency is key for their algorithm, mean that having an account of your business on one of these platforms is not enough to draw any attention from your customers. Creating new and relevant content, responding and interacting with your followers, and being up to date with the latest trends is a must for building an audience. 

The aesthetic and cosmetic industry has experienced a massive transition for healthcare practitioners and their clinics in the last few years. Instead of the patient that goes to a clinic based on some relative’s recommendation, we now have patients who will choose your clinic based on how your work is showcased through your website or social media platforms.

To make sure you are getting one step ahead of the game with marketing techniques for your clinic and expertise, don’t miss out on these useful tips for attracting and retaining patients.

Invest in your Aesthetic Practice Brand

In a highly competitive market, having a distinct brand identity sets an aesthetic clinic apart from its competitors. A strong brand presence helps establish trust and credibility among potential patients. When a clinic invests in its brand, it signals professionalism, expertise, and a commitment to quality. This, in turn, instills confidence in potential clients who are seeking aesthetic treatments.

Organize and Plan your Social Media Content

Organizing and planning your month in advance will ensure you are consistent when posting content. You can also organize your post based on categories: before & after photos, patient testimonials, advice, or educational videos.

Improve and Optimize your Social Media Profile

Having Facebook and Instagram profiles is essential for businesses, particularly for clinics in which maintaining consistent communication with patients holds great significance. If you have the tools and time, Tik Tok is an interesting platform to have a presence in. It has enormous potential for growth and is ideal for posting before & after videos, treatments, benefits, etc. 

Use Social Media Ads

Social media platforms have extensive user bases, offering a vast potential audience for aesthetic clinics. By utilizing social media ads, clinics can increase their visibility and reach a larger number of individuals who may be interested in their services. Also, they can target ads based on factors such as age, location, interests, and online behaviors. This precision targeting ensures that ads are shown to the most relevant audience, maximizing the chances of converting views into inquiries or appointments.

Put money into Google Search Campaigns.

Since Google is the most widely used search engine globally, by using Google Ads, your online visibility will expand. Clinics can select specific keywords, locations, languages, and demographics to ensure their ads are shown to individuals actively searching for aesthetic treatments in their area. This targeting capability helps clinics maximize their ad spend by focusing on the most relevant and potentially interested audience.

Write, write, and write!

Content is key in today’s world, especially when people find out about new treatments and techniques through blogs, articles, and magazines. Content creation can be very time-consuming, but it is important to provide patients with informative articles that address their questions, clarify the meaning of each service and procedure, or highlight their benefits.

What’s more, optimizing the content effectively makes it more likely for Google to rank these articles higher in search results when people search for various services.

Overall, having a digital marketing strategy allows aesthetic clinics to increase their online presence, reach targeted audiences, build a strong brand, engage with patients directly, optimize marketing budgets, and make data-driven decisions.

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